Mar 25Liked by Diana Strinati Baur

I think about the pictures of your pottery studio in Italy (I believe..?) so often that it's becoming harder and harder *not* to un-stage my life!

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If my pottery studio helps do that, I'm going to post photos of it every day! Thank you dear Jane! 🌟🧡

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Mar 26Liked by Diana Strinati Baur

Wondering if there's a little community of ex-pats here on Substack who opted for a different life style elsewhere? Also for the data, have a look at the U.S. recent drop in the measure on the GHI (Gross Happiness Index) and then consider all that's contributing to the decline, individually and collectiively. I am wading my way through "Deaths of Despair and the Future of Capitalism" by two Princeton economists, Brits by the way. Not surprised by their findings and looking forward to their suggestions and recommendations. They liken the situation to the climate crisis, somewhat silent and out of our immediate sight with some dire consequences.

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Mar 26Liked by Diana Strinati Baur

“When we’re able to express our individual gifts and embrace those gifts in others, we can create a better society.”

Amen to this 🙏 I think late stage capitalism and the expectation to buy, consume, stage, etc keeps us from expressing ourselves and our gifts! Expression gets replaced by consumption…

I’ve been through a similar journey to yours, a lot of my development (both personal and social) has emerged through expression and creative acts—through giving my gifts. The act of giving increases my awareness of others acts of giving—it helps me to see their authenticity—and it also exposes my authenticity to others in a way that attracts people who are more aligned with me.

Thanks Diana ❤️

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Courtney, yes yes yes to this. It's wonderful to read. If we can keep turning life's challenges into the soil where beauty and meaning are planted, we are well on our way. 🧡

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Mar 25Liked by Diana Strinati Baur

Yes, let's!!!! I'm excited by your wisdom and I'm with you 100%. At 60, I'm just at this stage at figuring this stuff out. Better late than never, right?

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ABSOLUTELY! There is no age to this process. If anything, being older makes the appreciation and nuance so much more beautiful. 🧡

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Mar 25Liked by Diana Strinati Baur

Love this encouragement!

“I graduated with a degree in marketing in the early eighties and tried to kill off my neurodivergence by marrying a person with whom I was incompatible. I became an insurance broker and we bought a condo. I went all in for that American Dream. And it wasn’t long before I was sidelined with migraine headaches and caught in an eating disorder that kept me in a size six and chronic pain.”

I went through almost this exact storyline as well. So glad to meet you on the other side. 🌈

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Amen to that sister! 🧡

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Apr 2Liked by Diana Strinati Baur

Let's unstage our lives. Yes yes yes. Beautiful. Thank you Diana. I know I am late to this glorious post of yours but tonight is the tonight for me to hear your message loud and clear 🧡 xxx

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Mar 26Liked by Diana Strinati Baur

Love this and really needed to hear it today. Thank you.

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Thank you for being here, Deirdre🧡 I'm happy it resonated with you.

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